The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 05 September 2017. Ms. Kim Gillet, Chief Nursing Executive, was welcomed to the meeting.
Membership Response to Board Requests from Annual Meeting – Two memorandums from the Members of the Corporation have been received: 1) confirming Ms. Petersen’s appointment to the Board of Directors, and; 2) that all recommendations from the Annual Meeting were approved by the Members of the Corporation.
Strategic Planning Day – The date has been confirmed for 21 September 2017. The Senior Team has been invited to attend. The morning will consist of a review provided by Dr. Robert Stewart and Mr. David Levangie of Catholic Health International, including this Board’s responsibilities. Later in the day, the Centre’s Mission, Vision and Values will be reviewed, and the group’s vision for the future will be discussed.
Thank You Card from Mrs. Anita Roach — In this card, Mrs. Roach thanks the Board and staff for the SJCCC cross given to her upon her retirement.
Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included PointClickCare® (Update), Sub-acute Capacity Planning (Update including occupancy data and CCC Daily Scorecard), “Our Team Board” Long-term Care Initiative (where electronic boards at each nursing station will identify the Nursing, Dietary and Housekeeping team members currently caring for our residents), Good News Items (Connecting Ontario; local High Schools re cooperative student education programmes and in appreciation of our Centre’s Bursary Programme), review of ten policies, and Census Data.
Terms of Reference – The Executive Committee’s terms of reference were reviewed. No changes were made.
Plan for Future Debt Retirement – A plan was established last year. However, an updated plan, minimizing the potential cash impact in the last three years was reviewed. The intent is to restrict the interest at a minimum and; in addition, to assess at year end whether additional funds restricted by the Board are possible. This revised plan was approved by the Board of Directors.
Lifts – A business case to purchase lifts was presented to the Committee and was approved by the Board of Directors. This purchase will complete the project of installing a lift at every bed in the facility and will include upgrades to the personal care centres at no charge plus discounted slings for one year.
Financial Statements – The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statements for the Four Months Ending 31 July 2017 as presented.
Terms of Reference – The Committee’s terms of reference were reviewed. Minor changes were approved by the Board of Directors.
Management Fiduciary Statement – The Management Fiduciary Statements for April and May 201, and June and July 2017 were approved.
EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES – The Centre’s Education Calendar for September 2017 and Governance Educational Opportunities were circulated to the Board of Directors for information.
The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 03 October 2017 at noon in the Boardroom.