The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 04 December 2018.


Mr. Bradley Robertson has been appointed by the Members of the Corporation to the Board of Directors and to the Comprehensive Planning, Finance and Personnel Relations Committee.

ADMINISTRATION REPORT – Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included:  Butterfly Model for Dementia Care Update, Successful Evacuation Exercise (conducted with Cornwall Fire Department), Annual Staff Education (completed in November for all staff), Advent Mass with Bishop Prendergast, and Census Data.  Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire noted that, sadly, an employee’s spouse passed away on November 30th:  Ms. Christine Groulx, wife of Mr. Joel Nunez (Resident Care Aide).


Values Integration Appraisal (VIA) Process Follow-up – Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire explained the action items recommended in the VIA process and provided a working plan (appended to the Committee minutes).  The Board of Directors accepted the plan.  It will be forwarded to Catholic Health International.

Corporate Policy re Death with Dignity – Review of this policy with regard to the framework for responding to requests for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) will continue at the next Committee meeting.  The Centre will continue efforts to increase awareness surrounding Palliative Care Services.  Moving forward, Palliative Care Week will be recognized.


Outdoor Signage – The sign near the sidewalk will be revised to include Hotel Dieu / Hôtel-Dieu and St. Joseph’s Villa / Villa St-Joseph.

Budgets – Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire presented the break-even Operating Budget 2019-20 for both operations and the Capital Budget 2019-2024.  Ms. Gillet explained how the change in Complex Continuing Care Nursing on 12 January 2019 to eight-hour shifts from twelve-hour shifts will reduce employee sick costs and overtime.  Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire noted that the Centre must be fiscally responsible.

The Board of Directors recommended to the Members of the Corporation approval of the 2019/20 Operating Budget and the Capital Budget (2019-2024) as follow:

Operating Budget – 2019-20

-St. Joseph’s Villa (Long-Term Care):  $14,190,809 with a projected surplus of $2,452;

-Hotel Dieu Hospital (Complex Continuing Care):  $10,112,970 with a projected surplus of $1,251.

Capital Budget 2019-24

-the Five-year (Combined) Capital Plan (2019-2014) in the amount of $98,000 of which $50,000 is for 2019-20.

Financial Statements – Ms. Lalonde presented the statements.  There has been no significant change in the last month and a surplus in each operation is forecast for year end.  Administration is closely monitoring expenses in the hospital operation, including sick days in Nursing.  The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statements for the Period Ending 31 October 2018.

Management Fiduciary Statement — The Board of Directors approved the Management Fiduciary Statement for October 2018.

AUXILIARY BAZAAR – The Annual Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar will be held on December 6th.  All are invited to donate items, shop, purchase a raffle ticket and stay for lunch.

PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE — The PAC reviewed/revised policies, completed the patient review, discussed Medical Staff Privileges for potential physicians, and discussed the difficulties encountered in physician recruitment.


Documents Approved — The Governance Committee and Board of Directors approved the following documents:  Board of Directors Skills Matrix, Board of Directors Position Responsibilities, and an advertisement seeking Board Members.  Also approved were the draft Board and Board Committee Workplans which will now be completed by the respective Board Committees.

The Board of Directors then approved the following two completed workplans for 2018-19:  Governance Committee; and the Board of Directors.

Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) Self-assessment Tool for Boards — This new tool is available from the OHA at a cost of $450.  Catholic Health International (CHI) is presently developing its own tool which will be available in early 2019.  Therefore, this matter was deferred until the CHI tool is available to compare to our current paper-based tool.


The Committee reviewed the budgets and recommended their approval to the Board of Directors.  (The budgets were discussed and approved under the Comprehensive Planning, Finance and Personnel Relations Committee.)

Fiscal Advisory Committee (FAC) Workplan 2018-19 – The completed workplan as appended to the FAC minutes was approved by the Board of Directors.

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES – The Centre’s Education Calendar for December 2018 was circulated to the Board of Directors for information.


The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 08 January 2019 at noon in the Boardroom.

Summary of the December 2018 Board of Directors Meeting