The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 05 March 2019.
Catholic Health Association of Ontario (CHAO) – Mr. Desnoyers and Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire attended a meeting at the CHAO at which there was good discussion about the current healthcare changes in Ontario. (See also Administration Report of this newsletter.)
ADMINISTRATION REPORT – Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included: : Hotel Dieu Outreach Programme (update on progress to date); Good News Items (Letter of Appreciation received from former patient of Slow-paced Rehabilitation Programme, and Certificate in Indigenous Cultural Safety Training Ontario Core ICS Health – completed by Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire); and Census Data. Also discussed:
Health Minister Christine Elliott’s Announcement – On February 26, 2019, Minister Elliott announced the formation of a new Agency, Ontario Health, “to bring a consistency of approach…with a common vision with a single point of oversight”. She also announced the formation of Ontario Health Teams (30-50) throughout Ontario which will be made up of local healthcare providers that will be organized in a way that will enable them to work as a coordinated group. The Minister stated, “These teams will be built to guide patients and residents between providers and shepherd you and your families through transitions.”
All health organizations will be dismantled and rolled into a new “Super Health Agency” of Ontario Health Teams for most types of care. The Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) will remain until the Hospital-Service Accountability Agreement (H-SAA) and Long-Term Care Home-Service Accountability Agreement (L-SAA) are transferred to the new structure, approximately 2-5 years. There was no mention of governance. In this community we have good relationships and collaboration with community providers and especially with Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH).
Public Health Ontario’s Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Programme – This project continues and has resulted in reduced use of antibiotics.
Falls – These appear to be on the rise. However, these may be due to new admissions and will be monitored very closely.
Medication Errors – These will also be carefully monitored due to the recent initiation of the new medication electronic ordering system.
Risk Management Plan 2018-19 – Noted.
Employee Survey Results 2018 – Of 340 employees, 187 responded. Responses indicated that staff wanted to have access to communications via e-mail. Therefore, all staff members have been set up with an e-mail account. The results also indicated that staff members want Management to be more present on the floors. This change will be implemented. “Feel Good Friday Stories” have been introduced. The Worklife Pulse Committee has been busy organizing events for staff to enjoy and will bring back the Feast of St. Joseph which was popular at the Centre in the past.
Financial Statements – Ms. Lalonde reviewed the statements. Both operations will end the year with surpluses. The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statements for the period ended 31 January 2019 as presented.
Management Fiduciary Statement – Ms. Lalonde indicated that the French Language Services Act has been added to this statement. The Board of Directors approved the Management Fiduciary Statement for January 2019.
AUXILIARY REPORT — Ms. Payette highlighted her report. Winner of the Genie Wish Draw on February 14th was the Food Services Department and they will be granted their wish for coloured dishware and tableware for Quinn House. A very generous and much appreciated donation of $20,000 will be made by the Auxiliary to the Centre for the purchase of equipment needed to enhance the life of the residents. The Auxiliary’s Annual Meeting will be held on March 21st followed by an afternoon tea. Casino trips continue to be very successful.
Mr. Desnoyers thanked Mrs. Payette and Members of the Auxiliary for the generous donation resulting from their hard work.
Physician Recruitment – The advertisement has been placed in the February edition of the Canadian Family Physician Journal. This included some online exposure as well. Resident Physicians will be graduating in mid-June. Therefore, there may be some interest and response shortly.
2019 Medical Staff Reapplications – The Board of Directors approved the reappointment of Dr. S. Patel and Dr. M. Yitemben-Tchouatieu to the medical staff for 2019 for privileges as previously held, which were reviewed and recommended by the PAC.
EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES – The Centre’s Education Calendar for March 2019 was circulated to the Board of Directors for information. There will be a Governance Education Day on April 10th in Perth for all Board Members who have registered. The Ontario Hospital Association and Governance Centre educational opportunities were also circulated for information.
The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 02 April 2019 at noon in the Boardroom.