The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 27 May 2014. The Annual Meeting of the Board was held immediately after the regular meeting (see Governance Committee section).


Mrs. Ruest’s report included information on the upcoming the upcoming Ontario Election, Catholic Health International (CHI) Reports, and Census data. Also discussed were:

Annual Resident Quality Inspection – After five years, the process of Annual Inspections for Long-Term Care by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) has resumed. Inspectors arrived unannounced on May 26th for approximately two weeks. During the review, they will interview forty residents and observe charting, care, and activities. A written report is expected two weeks after the inspection. The results and findings will be posted on the MOHLTC website and on our bulletin Boards.

Management Goals and Priorities – Mrs. Ruest presented and explained the proposed Management Goals and Priorities recommended by the Leadership and Partnerships Team. These are aligned with the Strategic Directions and were approved by the Board of Directors. They are:

Strategic Direction Goal and/or Priority

Deepen the Mission -sponsor senior team member to participate in Catholic Leadership Programme

-Participate in the Values Integration Appraisal

Process with Catholic Health International

Respond to Growth and Change -Continue implementation of information technology solutions for St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre

-Complete identified LEAN projects

-Prepare for the CARF Accreditation expected in

Spring 2015

-Complete the plan for development of the 27 York Street property

Strategic Direction Goal and/or Priority

Community Engagement/Profile -Work with system partners in the advance of various senior strategies

-Launch St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre’s new website


Update on Accreditation Survey – We have been notified that the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) will be at the Centre in March or April 2015. They will be utilizing the 2014 CARF Accreditation Standards for our survey.

Balanced Scorecard – This was noted by the Board of Directors.

QI Initiative – The Board acknowledged the ongoing Drug Utilization Review of Antipsychotic Drugs.

Safety – The Health and Safety Physical Site Inspection for St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre was referred to. The Centre scored 85 percent on the inspection; corrective action has been taken on all of the recommendations. This inspection was part of a CARF Accreditation requirement to have an external party conduct a safety inspection.


Management Fiduciary StatementThe Board of Directors approved the Management Fiduciary Statement for March 2014.

Statement of Administrative Responsibility – This statement describes the roles of Administration and the Audit Committee with respect to year-end financial statements. The Board approved the document and referred it to the Members of the Corporation for information. The Audited Financial Statements were recommended by the Board to the Members of the Corporation at the Annual Meeting.


Medical Staff Reapplication – Dr. Patel was reappointed to the medical staff for 2014.

GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE – In preparation for the Annual Meeting, the Committee made recommendations regarding appointment and reappointment of Directors including Ex-officio Members, and changes to Board Committees. The Board approved these and forwarded the recommendations to the Members of the Corporation.

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES – The Education Calendar for May/June 2014 and Governance educational opportunities were circulated to the Board of Directors for information. Mr. Samson summarized the two conferences which he attended.

The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 24 June 2014 at noon in the Boardroom.

Report From the Board (May 2014)