The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 06 February 2018.
Thank You Card from Chantal Helps and Family – This card was received for flowers sent for the funeral of her mother, Henriette Cadieux.
Three Articles re Assisted Dying – Three recent articles were circulated prior to the meeting. One involved a physician unknown to the facility who entered a Long-Term Care Home in British Columbia to assist a suicide. The other articles outlined the fact that facilities and physicians must now participate in ending lives if asked, regardless of their own beliefs.
The referral process was then discussed. The Catholic Health Association of Ontario is studying this process. The Ethics and Mission Committee will keep abreast of this issue.
Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included Subacute Capacity Planning, Values Integration Appraisal (educational guide developed by Catholic Health International; upcoming appraisal), Movie The Last Breath on 09 February 2018, Good News Item (letter from Varin family), Fire Inspection by Cornwall Fire Department (the Centre meets all requirements of the Fire Code), New Mission Wall in Lobby, and Dr. Yitemben Tchouatieu (orientated and will start soon), and Census Data. Also discussed:
Corporate Policy Review – The Board of Directors approved Corporate Policy #3-a-25 re Resuscitative Intervention for Care at End of Life and Corporate Policy #3-a-30 re Health and Safety Policy as presented.
Calendar of 2018 Ceremonies/Events – The calendar of the year’s many spiritual, public relations and branding events which is circulated in January, is very much appreciated.
Assisted Dying – Mrs. McNally discussed the conference which she recently attended. As well, an article was reviewed by the Committee.
Auditor’s Presentation re Audit Planning Report – Mr. Nemec from KPMG presented the Audit Planning Report to the CPFPRC, a copy of which was appended to the minutes and circulated to the Board of Directors prior to the meeting. Mr. Desnoyers reviewed the Centre’s materiality, as outlined on page 5 of this report. The Board of Directors accepted the Audit Planning Report for information purposes.
Hospital Accountability Planning Submission (HAPS) – The HAPS has been resubmitted, updated to reflect the Board-approved budget. Discussions with the Local Health Iintegration Network (LHIN) will take place during February and March, with a view of having an approved HAPS signed off before 31 March 2018.
Financial Statements – Mr. Desnoyers presented the statements. A surplus in each operation is forecast for year end. The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statements for the Period Ending 31 December 2017 as presented.
Management Fiduciary Statement – The Board of Directors approved the Management Fiduciary Statement for December 2017.
Genie Wish – There is much anticipation for the Genie Wish Draw on February 14th.
Continuous Ambulatory Delivery Device (CADD) Medication Pumps – Both CADD pumps have been received.
2018 Complex Continuing Care Medical Staff Reapplications – The Board of Directors approved the reappointment of the following physicians to the Medical Staff for 2018 as previously held: Dr. E. Bazile (Courtesy Staff); Dr. G. Foley, Dr. G. Laferriere, Dr. S.C. Patel, and Dr. M.S. Reen. [NOTE: Dr. Yitemben Tchouatieu was appointed to the Associate Staff in December 2017.]
EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES – The Centre’s Education Calendar for February 2018 and Governance Educational Opportunities were circulated to the Board of Directors for information.
The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 06 March 2018 at noon in the Boardroom.