The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 07 December 2021.

Mr. Desnoyers shared information about multiple webinars he has attended in the past month including a three part Long-Term Care  Governance and Leadership webinar series and the Regional Ethics RoundsThe Indigenous Perspective on the Continuum of Care”. Mr. Desnoyers gave a verbal summary of the webinars to the Board Members. In the Leadership webinar series, they spoke about “21 questions”. It is a document regarding guidance for healthcare boards on what they should ask senior leaders about risk. The Board agreed that this may be a good exercise for the Board of Directors and Seniors Team. It could be a special session of the Board. The Catholic Health Association of Ontario was offering a session on the topic “Creating Awareness in Serving Our Indigenous and LGBTQS2 Communities”. The session was taking place at the same time as this Board meeting, therefore, the recording will be distributed to the Board Members if received. 

Mrs. Lafrance-Allaire’s report included: The Upper Canada and Cornwall Area (UCCA) Ontario Health Team (OHT) update (currently putting together a spending plan to address three separate projects), Vaccination, LTC Development Application, Remote Care Monitoring [RCM] (program continues to grow, currently supporting a total of 35 patients in the virtual ward), Ministry of LTC Inspection Report (three critical incidents) and Census Data. Also discussed:

-Corporate Policy #3-a-75 re Resident and Patient Records – Access to and Release of
-Corporate Policy #3-a-21 re Research Proposals DEFERRED.

The Board of Directors approved the following policies as reviewed/revised.

Policy to Revise
The Board of Directors approved the following policy as revised.

-Board of Directors policy #2-a-20 re Quality Improvement

Financial Statements – The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statements for the Period Ended 31 October 2021 as amended.

2022-2023 Budget – The Board of Directors recommended to the Members of the Corporation the budget which has already been reviewed by the Fiscal Advisory Committee:
Long-Term Care: $15,926,822 with a projected surplus of $413
Complex Continuing Care: $10,493,786 with a projected surplus of $275; and
-(Combined) Capital Budget of $36,000 for the Centre.

Management Fiduciary Statement – The Board of Directors approved the Management Fiduciary Statement for October 2021.

Policy to Revise
The Board of Directors approved the following policy as revised with a small added change to number 13.

-Board of Directors policy #2-a-10 re Comprehensive Planning, Finance and Personnel Relations Committee

Standing Item: CPFPRC Annual Workplan – The workplan was revised to add “Reviews information collected through the annual Employee Survey and any initiatives proposed by Administration in response to survey findings”. 

The Board of Directors approved the CPFPRC Annual Workplan as revised. 

The Auxiliary is happy to be back and functioning. Mrs. Vincelli thanked all who helped to renovate the gift shop, especially Mr. Ingram and Ms. Hollingsworth. The Auxiliary is selling tickets for the Auxiliary Christmas raffle. The tickets are selling well. It is with great sadness that Mrs. Vincelli announced the passing of Ms. Jane Anderson. She will be missed terribly. Mr. Tom Wallace will be the new treasurer. 

Policy to Review
The Board of Directors approved the following policy as reviewed.

-Board of Directors policy #2-a-28 re Fiscal Advisory Committee 

Annual Workplan – The workplan was revised to add “Awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)”.

The Board of Directors approved the Fiscal Advisory Committee Annual Workplan as revised. 

Hotel Dieu Rehabilitation – Discussion – Conversation was had regarding the name of the program in Hotel Dieu Hospital. The Board of Directors agreed that “Rehabilitation” would be a good name for the program since it does note create any limitations.

The Board of Directors approved that the program in Hotel Dieu be named Rehabilitation.

Crisis Communication – A crisis communication plan will be worked on to assure there is something in place if ever an issue were to arise. SJCCC has a Pandemic Plan but it should have something that is more general in nature. 

SJCCC Explore the Grounds Video – The SJCCC Explore the Grounds video was played during the Board of Directors meeting. The next step will be to record a video during the winter. It was suggested to capture the cross lit up at night. 

The SJCCC Explore the Grounds video will be shared with Catholic Health International. 

Standing Item: Annual Workplan The workplan for the month of December was reviewed.

Standing Item: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Regional Ethics Rounds December 2021 –
“The Indigenous Perspective on the Continuum Care” – It was requested that Mrs. McNally
attend the next Board of Directors meeting to present a summary of the Regional Ethics Rounds
“The Indigenous Perspective on the Continuum of Care”. 

Standing Item: Policies to be Reviewed by the Board of Directors – Reviewed. 

The next regular Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 January 2022 at 1130 hours via video conference due to COVID-19.

Summary of the December 2021 Board of Directors Meeting